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When babies don’t bring joy

When babies don’t bring joy

Having a new baby is a life changing event. It’s also a relationship changing event. Despite all the sweet Instagram…

Fighting Patterns

Fighting Patterns

Most couples come into marriage counseling looking for help with their communication. They insist they just….

Becoming an Incredible family

Becoming an Incredible family

I love The Incredibles family. Most families can relate with them. The teenager is surly at home and has social anxiety…



I have spent a lot of years watching kids learn to play sports. As they grow into their ability to utilize their individual skills and operate as a team, there are many opportunities for a coach to step in and help them operate more efficiently. Sometimes players get...
Car Repairs & Marriage

Car Repairs & Marriage

My adolescent son, who loves all things mechanical and auto related, ran his car dry of oil. In his exuberance to live his life, he neglected routine maintenance and ended up with a very broken car. He had two options: scrap it or rebuild it. The rebuild process is...
Reasons Couples Divorce

Reasons Couples Divorce

“Reasons Couples Divorce” “Why are so many couples getting divorced?” I’m often asked. John Gottman and his team of researchers at the University of Washington have pinpointed the four most toxic behaviors leading to marital dissatisfaction and dissolution. “We’re...
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